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And I’ll never be the same. First there was Shorpy, then there was Astronomy Picture of the Day, now there is FFFFOUND! This one’s a little mor...


And I’ll never be the same. First there was Shorpy, then there was Astronomy Picture of the Day, now there is FFFFOUND! This one’s a little more complicated, and I seem to need to be invited to participate (ie: post and share and such). But I’ve still managed to troll through quite a bit, and have ferreted out some new photographers who strike my fancy.

FFFFOUND!’s official line is that it’s “a web service that not only allows the users to post and share
their favorite images found on the web, but also dynamically recommends
each user’s tastes and interests for an inspirational image-bookmarking

Invite me, you inviting folks!

My first major discovery is the French design and photographic duo HELMO, who are seemingly brilliant. They are Thomas Couderc and Clement Vauchez, and they like smoke and sparkly things and animals, which I’ve really been feeling with the rise of the likes of Hannah Whitaker and Estelle Hanania. It seems that a lot of the work is installation-based, which is a nice melding of mediums.

These three are from colored smoke:





And these are from Noel, which is (excuse the babelfish jargon):

D’ project; preparing of the frontage of the Lafayette Galleries,
Hausmann Boulevard in Paris, for Christmas 2006.
A white cloud – white and translucent discs suspended with wire
transparencies – converges towards the Lafayette Galleries and
penetrates with l’ interior of the store towards its point emblematic,
the cupola. L’ installation
is alive, it scintillates and vibrates with the liking of the light and
the wind.
With 1:00 of the morning, when the building’s extinct, certain
elements phosphorescents continue to take care.


See more; there’s an extensive archive.
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