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October Feature Highlight: The Client Proofing Tool

Last month we talked about delivering images to your clients, but let’s rewind. After the shoot, but before the delivery, there is the ever impor...

Last month we talked about delivering images to your clients, but let’s rewind. After the shoot, but before the delivery, there is the ever important task of proofing. While there are many options for getting the images from a shoot to your client, they can be clunky and time consuming. Thankfully, our client proofing tool (or CPT, as we’ve come to call it) makes sharing images with clients a truly simple and, dare we say, even an enjoyable process.   

Once you upload all of your images to PhotoShelter, you can send proofs to your client with just a few clicks directly from your account. Not only are your images delivered in a beautiful and easy to select display, but because everything is in one location, you’re eliminating the need for third party services (like email or Dropbox). So, you save time and money.

See how it works for both you and your clients:

1. Photographer’s view: Accessing the CPT from a gallery + inviting clients.  


To get started, just log into your account. The client proofing tool is on the right. If you plan to send the entire gallery to your client and you don’t need to group any of the images together, you can just invite clients via a quick email. However, it can be helpful to group images into categories and would make the selection process easier for your clients. If that’s the case, then hold off on inviting and move on to #2 below.

2. Photographer’s view: Creating categories within the gallery of proofs.


Creating categories within a gallery of proofs is really simple. Just click view favorites, and then create as may custom sets of images as you like. Once you add a custom set, you’ll be able to add the images that fit into that category making it easier for your clients to make selections. From there, you can head back to the image browser to invite your clients.

 3. Client’s view: Receiving the email from the photographer + selecting images.


When your client receives the email, if the gallery is public, they can click and see the images right away.  To save images, they need to either have an account or create one (they simply need to enter an email address and password and will only receive communications from you). From there they can view and make selections.

4. Client’s view: Filter images by orientation, keyword, star rating, and custom sets


Your client can view their images several different ways to make the selection process a breeze. You’re able to filter by star ratings and keywords (either imported through the images metadata or applied within your PhotoShelter account) as well as orientation and custom sets. Click on multiple filters, and you’ll see only the images that share the same elements. Once they’re happy with their selections, they can then send them back to you.

5. Photographer’s view: What to do after you’ve received your clients selections.


Once the images are selected, you will receive an email that brings you back to the gallery or you can just click right in the client proofing area. From there you’ll see all of the selections that have been made. If the proofs were sent to more than one person and multiple selections have been made, then you are able to view all of them and even filter for similarities. Then you can either copy them to a clipboard or create a new gallery where you’re able to download the images, send them to your client, price for sale, or any other number of actions you can apply.  

That’s really all there is to it. Super simple and it keeps your clients within your branded website experience.

To find out more about the client proofing tool, and how it can make yours and your clients lives that much easier, take a look at our support video.

Of course if you have any other questions, just get in touch with our client services team.

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