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Garnett-Sanschagrin: There Can Be Only One

The NBA’s wildly popular “There Can Be Only One” campaign has entered a new phase by encouraging fans to pair up their own faces with those o...

The NBA’s wildly popular “There Can Be Only One” campaign has entered a new phase by encouraging fans to pair up their own faces with those of the NBA superstars. You can actually download split images from the NBA site, composite your own photo, and upload the images for other fans to see. There’s no prize for doing so, just the glory in being humiliated online for having the gall to compare yourself to a highly trained, professional athlete. (But really, I think it’s all in good fun as that’s the point of being a fanatic).

Of course, like most sites that allow photos to be uploaded (e.g. Facebook), you essentially grant a huge swath of rights to the NBA to use in perpetutity. So we won’t be doing that today. Instead, you can enjoy Grover in all his glory because there can be only one.


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