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Focus On Your Passion: Tim Mantoani Webinar

The guy is a case study on photographing for the love of it. He’s constantly traveling around the country and world with cameras of different sha...

The guy is a case study on photographing for the love of it. He’s constantly traveling around the country and world with cameras of different shapes and sizes, and approaching people to take their portraits for personal projects. He once traveled to Italy and visited his ancestral town, and strolled into a bar, and had his guide ask if there were any Mantoanis around. Sure enough, two Mantaonis identified themselves, and he pulled out the softbox that he was traveling with and took some killer portraits.

Of course, if you know of Tim, you probably know about his on-going “Behind Photographs” project. Tim has photographed over 100 portraits on a 20″x24″ Polaroid of famous photographers holding prints of their most iconic photographs. It’s a veritable time capsule of 20th century photography and photographers.


Lastly, I was very moved by the story of Tim’s own battle with cancer, and how that experience shaped his attitude towards photography and life. You definitely need to watch this one…

Here are the slides from the presentation:

Focus On Your Passion: Finding Yourself in Photography

For those of you who are interested in purchasing the instructional video that is referenced in the presentation Tim created with Dean Collins and Bill Holshevnikoff, you can visit the Software Cinema website and look for “3 Dimensional Contrast.”

What is YOUR dream photo project? Please add to this story by leaving your comments below.

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